
ICI Policies

Infinity Cert Way

Infinity Cert International ICI are world leaders in the assessment and certification of organizational management systems. Our business assurance services include assessment and certification against national & international management system standards. Our services are delivered with impartiality.

Confidentiality and objectivity.

Our aim is to make sensible interpretations of management system standards, realistic judgments on inspection & audit compliance, and to identify areas where organizational efficiencies of the client could be improved for the benefit of all stakeholders (employees, shareholders, suppliers, customer’s local economy. regulators)


Anti-Bribery Policy

Infinity Cert International ICI values its reputation and is committed to maintaining the highest possible ethical standards in all of its business activities (providing certification, audit and inspection services). It is recognized that the risks from bribery and corruption are of growing concern in many countries across the world Infinity Cert has clear and concise beliefs and stands 100% against any form of bribery and/or corruption.

It is the responsibility of all personnel throughout the Infinity Cert International ICI group to prevent all forms of bribery and/or corruption.

Infinity Cert International ICI has a strict whistle blower process which encourages all personnel to report any suspected incidents of bribery in accordance with company procedures. All reported incidents are to be handled in a professional and efficient manner.


Appeals Policy

Client organizations have the right of appeal if they do not agree with the assessor’s findings there is a formal appeals process Appeals should be made in writing with ample explanation giving full details of their appeal and should be directed to the local ICI.

Infinity Cert International ICI office. We will acknowledge receipt of any appeals and contact the client organization to ensure that we fully understand their concerns.

This initial contact may lead to a satisfactory resolution. If we are unable to resolve the appeal, we will convene an independent appeals panel as soon as possible
A meeting will be held where evidence from all parties will be heard in confidence, the panel will make à decision based on the evidence supplied from all parties.


Complaints Policy

Complaints should be made in writing and should be directed to the local Infinity Cert (Infinity Cert International) office.

Receipt of complaints will be acknowledged.

All complaints will be reviewed to ensure that we fully understand customer concerns: we may contact the customer to discuss details.

We will conduct a thorough investigation in to any areas of concern and keep the customer up to date with progress at each stage of the investigation

On completion of the investigation we will provide the customer with a full response

All complaints will be handled professionally and in a timely manner. Our aim is to fully investigate all complaints and to keep all parties up to date with progress of the investigation and the outcome.


Confidentiality Policy

To gain the privileged access to information that is needed for Infinity Cert International ICI to assess conformity against applicable management system standard requirements, it is essential that information relating to client organizations is kept confidential.

All Infinity Cert personnel sign a Conflict of Interest & Confidentiality contract which is retained in HR records. Where legislation requires information to be disclosed to a third party/regulatory authority. the client organization will be informed of the disclosure. Breaches of this policy will not be tolerated.


Dress Code Policy

The Infinity Cert International ICI dress code is designed to help us provide a consistent professional appearance to our clients and fellow colleagues. The appearance of personnel has the potential to positively or negatively on our brand Infinity cert personnel must always present a clean, professional appearance while dressing to align themselves with the client organizations undergoing assessment, this can range from a landfill operation through to governmental organizations. In most cases we encourage audit personnel to dress in a manner that is business casual, smart Casual, or business attire unless the client organization requires something specific.

Clothing and grooming styles can be changed according to requirements related to gender on religion. The goal is to maintain a positive appearance whilst not offending clients, colleagues. Or anyone.


Fit & Proper Person Policy

Infinity Cert International ICI values its reputation and is committed to maintaining the highest possible ethical standards in all of its business activities. We have recognized the risks involved in carrying out business on a global scale and endeavor to negate these risks by ensuring that our officers and representatives worldwide conform to a strict code of behavior. We apply a three tier risk mitigation plan to ensure our officers and staff conform to an accepted set of principles and act ethically at all times whilst engaged by the organization.

is the responsibility of all employees throughout the International Certifications group of companies to prevent unethical behavior and to ensure our people are held in high regard, trusted and respected at all times to this end Infinity Cert International ICI has a whistle blower policy which encourages all staff to report any suspected incidents of bribery, corruption or ethical misconduct in accordance with company procedures, All reported incidents will be handled in a professional and efficient manner.


Impartiality Policy

Infinity Cert International ICI understands the importance of impartiality whilst conducting their assessment and inspection activities All personnel involved in the assessment, certification & inspection process is required to declare any potential conflicts of interest to ensure objectivity is maintained throughout the entire process.

Being impartial, and being perceived to be impartial, is necessary to deliver certification. Audit an inspection services that provide confidence to all stakeholders [Clients, Owners, Staff, General Public, MPI, etc.), It is well recognized that our source of revenue is from our assessment and certification services, and that this could be perceived as a potential threat to impartiality

In our view clients are not paying for a certificate, they are paying for the Infinity Cert International ICI assessment services.

If the compliance criteria are meet certification can proceed. To maintain confidence, it is essential that certification decisions are based on objective evidence to support conformity (or non-conformity, and that our decisions are not influenced by other interests or by other parties Infinity Cert and any part of the same legal entity does not offer or provide any management system consultancy services including internal audit services for its client organizations.


Information Security Policy

Infinity Cert International ICI is committed to safeguard the confidentiality. integrity and availability of all physical and electronic information assets of the organisation and its clients to ensure that regulatory, operational and contractual requirements are fulfilled The overall goals for information security at Infinity Cert International ICI are the following

Ensure compliance with current laws, regulations guidelines and comply with all requirements for confidentiality, integrity and availability for stakeholders.

Establish controls for protecting Infinity Cert’s information and information systems against abuse and other forms of harm and loss Motivate administrators and employees to maintain the responsibility for. ownership of and knowledge about information security. in order to minimize the risk of security incidents Ensure that Infinity Cert International ICI is capable of continuing operations even if major security incidents occur Ensure the protection of personal data (privacy) and ensure the availability and reliability of the network infrastructure and the services supplied and operated by Infinity Cert Comply with methods from international standards for information security. e.g. ISO/IEC 27001.

Ensure that external service providers comply with Infinity Cert information security needs and requirements.


Legal Compliance Policy

Infinity Cert identify relevant requirements of country and state legislation, regulations, codes, rules and all applicable standards that may govern Infinity Cert operations. Infinity Cert identify a responsible personnel for each legal obligation. This information will be developed and compiled within the risk management program. All risk management inclusions will be risk rated according to the risk management methodology.


No Whinging Policy

As we are all human (most of us anyway) we tend to not like cleaning up problems caused by others-or admit that we’ve created problems ourselves. We also try to preserve a positive self-image and we go to great lengths to get others to perceive us positively as well. Given these basic human dynamics, most of which are unconscious. it’s often easier to talk to colleagues about what somebody else is doing wrong. At worst we’ll get sympathy. At best. we’ Il convince someone else to take care of the problem Infinity Cert International ICI have embraced a” no whinging policy” as we are about creating solutions NOT problems. Personnel heard whinging about anything company related, including other personnel, must have d suitable solution to add at the end of the whinging or this constitutes a breach of this Infinity Cert policy.


Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say Policy

As we are all mere mortals (most of us anyway) we tend to say what we want to do. what someone else wants to hear or something we would like to do. but then quite often it’s too hard or something else gets in the way and we never quite get to doing what we have just said Infinity Cert International ICI are committed to only using words about actions that we are actually going to do NOT what we are “goanna do”.
If Infinity Cert International ICI personnel say something they will stand behind it: we are committed to acting with integrity at all times and doing “what we say”.


Speak Up Policy

Infinity Cert International ICI is committed to conducting business on a daily basis with fairness, integrity and at all times being honest. If anyone observes or suspects misconduct, risky behavior, or d general issue that is not beneficial to the organization or its stakeholders they are encouraged to speak up. By doing so, you give International Certifications the opportunity to deal with the issue. Remaining silent.

May worsen a situation. International Certifications truly values the input of employees who speak up about potential issues that need to be addressed. and speaking up is encouraged and expected buy all employees. Those who speak up in good faith about suspected issues will be protected from any retaliation from others, negative reactions from speaking up will not be tolerated. 


Substance Abuse Policy

Infinity Cert International ICI has a staunch “substance abuse policy”. The use and abuse of illegal/controlled substances is immoral as well as being illegal. Each of us has a responsibility to take care of ourselves as well as others. It is irresponsible to behave in a manner that negatively impacts the health and safety of our society and economy. Furthermore.

Illegal substances support criminal activity by creating a supply chain that would not be there otherwise. The possession, use and/or distribution of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia will not be tolerated in addition, the individual may be subject to criminal prosecution in line with country legislation. Infinity Cert will fully cooperate with law enforcement officials in such matters.