Any person or client can file an appeal against the examples of conclusion decision of certification of ICI. The appeal against the decision of ICI must be made within 30 days of notification of that decision.
The appeals shall be submitted in writing to the Operations Manager, Infinity Cert International Ltd. International Ltd. (ICI), OFFICE 4690 182-184 HIGH STREET NORTH, EAST HAM, LONDON EG 2JA.UK
COMPANY NO.: 14380751
The written appeal must also include necessary documents in support of the appeal.
The Operations Manager shall verify the documents for completeness and may ask for additional documentary support if necessary. The appeal shall be acknowledged after best rated riding lawn mowers the documents are complete and forwards the same to the Director Operations. The Director Operations has the right to either disallow the appeal or to form an Appeals Panel based on the merit of the contents of the appeal.
If the appeal is admitted, Director Operations will form an Appeals Panel. The Appeals Panel is headed by one of the members and two members are taken out of the assessors, staff or experts. If required, services of outside member(s) may be called to discharge the appeal. The Head of the Appeals Panel may ask the appellant to present the facts in person to the appeals panel if necessary. The appeals panel may ask any of the staff, panel or subcontracted assessors and staff for the facts to help in discharging the appeal based on facts.
The appellant shall have the right to appear in person during consideration of their appeal to present their case, provide relevant documentary evidence and call witnesses. Should the appellant wish to appear during consideration of the appeal then written notification to this effect shall be submitted together with the appeal and Infinity Cert International Ltd. International Ltd. shall give the appellant at least seven days prior written notice of the date on which the appeal will be considered. The appellant shall have the right to be notified in writing of the members of the Appeals Panel including any technical specialists selected by the Director Operations seven days in advance of their sitting.
The Appeals Panel gives its recommendation to the Director Operations for necessary action to discharge the appeal to the satisfaction of the appellant. The Appeals Panel also recommends preventive action, if any, to avoid such recurrences. The Director Operations will give the decision on the appeal based on the recommendation by the appeals panel. The decision of the Director Operations in this regard will be final.
The above process will be completed within 45 days of the date of admission of the appeal.
If not satisfied with the decision of the Director Operations, appellant can file an appeal to the Managing Director, Infinity Cert International Ltd. International Ltd., through Director Operations. The Managing Director will form an Appeals Panel consisting of three members, that will go into the merits of the case and the procedure followed to address the appeal.
The Appeals Panel will make recommendation to the Managing Director. The Managing Director will give the decision on the appeal based on the recommendation by the appeals panel. The decision of the Managing Director in this regard will be final. The above process will be completed within 45 days of referring the appeal to the Managing Director. The Managing Director shall be acting on the advice of any appropriate specialist he or she may deem to be necessary.
All the costs associated with personal attendance of the appellant before the Appeals Panel shall be borne by the appellant. If during the discharge of appeal or as a consequence of the decision of the appeal, onsite reassessment or verification is required, the costs shall be borne by the appellant.
If appellant is not satisfied with the decision of the Managing Director of ICI, the appellant can file appeal to the Accreditation Body. However, this shall be resorted only after all the avenues of resolving the matter by filing appeal with ICI have been exhausted. In such a case, the Accreditation Body’s appeals process shall be followed and the costs of appeal shall be borne by the appellant unless the appeal is successful.
The decision of the relevant Accreditation Board shall be final and binding on both parties, i.e., the appellant and ICI. Operations department maintains the track of the appeals, including action taken to resolve them. Records of the same shall be maintained. The jurisdiction of courts in case of disputes will be London, UK.